Freitag, 13. Dezember 2024

Can’t hurt me – David Goggins


-          We are addicted to comfort

-          We all make habitual, self-limiting choices

-          Motivation is not enough

-          Only you can master your mind, which is what it takes to live a bold life

-          Self-mastery and empower you to face reality, hold yourself accountable

-          I thought I was gaming the system (by cheating, taking abbreviations), but in reality the whole time, I’d been gaming myself

-          Everyone’s opinion of me mattered to me, and that’s a shallow way to live

-          Nobody is coming to save you! Nobody! It’s up to you

-          For the first time, I’d held myself accountable

-          I’d duped myself into a negative feedback loop that on the surface looked like advancement until I hit a brick wall called reality

-          So why are you still lying to yourself?

o   You’ve been living like a coward. Period. Tell yourself the truth

-          YOU are stopping YOU

o   You are giving up instead of getting hard!

o   Turn that negativity into jet fuel

o   No more time to waste

o   It’s okay to be cruel to yourself as long as you realize you’re doing it to become better.

-          I looked at the people who were making me feel uncomfortable and realized how uncomfortable they were in their own skin.

o   It was a clear indication that something was very wrong with them, not me.

o   But when you have no confidence it becomes easy to value other people’s opinions

o   As soon as I made that connection, being upset with them was not worth my time

-          Personal accountability brought me self-respect, and self-respect will always light a way forward

-          Make a stand and start walking the path of most resistance

-          I first realized that not all physical and mental limitations are real. I had a habit of giving up way too soon

-          Convince myself that all that self-doubt and anxiety was confirmation that I was no longer living an aimless life. I was on a mission

-          Do something that sucks every day

o   The more often you get uncomfortable the stronger you’ll become

o   Can-do dialogue with yourself in stressful situations

-          I stopped seeing myself as the victim of bad circumstance, and saw my life as the ultimate training ground instead

o   The same principle works when it comes to mindset. Until you experience hardships like failures and disappointments, your mind will remain soft and exposed. Life experience, especially negative experiences, help callous the mind.

-          Very few people even bother to try to control the way their thoughts and doubts bubble up. The vast majority of us are slaves to our minds

o   Mastering their thought process it a never-ending chore and impossible to get right every time.

o   Physical training is the perfect crucible to learn how to manage your thought process because when you’re working out, your focus is more likely to be single pointed, and your response to stress and pain is immediate and measurable. Do you hammer hard and snag that personal best like you said you would, or do you crumble?

§  It’s almost always a test of how well you are managing your own mind.

§  It’s important to push hardest when you want to quit the most

§  You have to do your best work when you are the least motivated

-          It’s up to you to go back through your past and make peace with yourself

-          Staying in the fight is always the hardest and most rewarding first step

-          in every failure there is something to be gained, even if its only practice for the next test you’ll have to take. Because that next test is coming. That’s a guarantee.

-          Made me realize that there is a whole other level of athlete out there in the world, and that some of that was inside me, too. In fact, it’s in all of us.

-          Who hasn’t dreamed up a possibility for themselves only to have friends, colleagues or family ridicule it? Most of us are extremely motivated to do anything to pursue our dreams until those around us remind us of the danger, the downside, our own limitations, and all the people before us that didn’t make it.

-          Goggins laws of nature

o   You will be made fun of

o   You will feel insecure

o   You may not be the best all the time

o   You may be the only… (black, white, male, Asian, gay, or… whatever) in a give situation

o   There will be times when you will feel alone



-          Our minds are strong

-          If you want to be one of the few to defy those trends in our ever-softening society, you will have to be willing to go to war with yourself and create a whole new identity, which requires an open mind.

o   You’ll have to become addicted to hard work. Because passion and obsession are only useful tools if you have the work ethics to back them up

o   It means scheduling your life like you’re on a twenty-four-hour mission every single day

o   He makes time to get it all in by minimizing the amount of nonsense clogging his schedule. His priorities are clear and he remains dedicated to his priorities.

o   Evaluate your life in its totality! We all waste so much time doing meaningless things. We burn hours on social media and watching televisions, which by the end of the year would add up to entire days and weeks if you tabulated time

-          Build an optimal schedule

o   When you work, only work on one thing at a time, think about the task in front of you and pursue it relentlessly

o   Scheule in exercise and rest, too. When it’s time to rest, actually rest. No checking email or wasting time on social media. If you are going to work hard you must also rest your brain

o   You should have a working schedule that maximizes your effort without sacrificing sleep.

-          Always be willing to embrace ignorance and become the idiot in the classroom again, because that is the only way to expand your body of knowledge and body of work. It’s the only way to expand your mind.

-          A lot of us surround ourselves with people who speak to our desire for comfort. People who would rather treat the pain of our wounds and prevent further injury than help us callous over them and try again.            

o   We need to surround ourselves with people who will tell us what we need to hear, not what we want to hear

-          All I’s ever wanted from it was to become successful in my own eyes.

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