Dienstag, 11. Februar 2020

On self-control

Self control

·        Your belief about how self-control works become a self-fulfilling prophecy
o   If you think your willpower is limited, youll fel depleted after exercising self-control
o   If you believe your willpower is unlimited, youll feel energized by self-control tasks
·        You can gradually change your beliefs to become more unlimited

·        Do you have to or do you want to?
o   Reconsider whether its worth wasting your time and effort on something you don’t really want to do in the first place
·        Strategies
o   Temptation bundling
§  TV, favourite podcase, music -> in combination with chores like dish washing, laundry, workout
o   Limit yourself and exlude options
§  No alerts / push notifications
§  No social media apps
§  App block / time restrictions
§  Phone on silent / in another room
o   Adjust your identity to prevent self-control failures
§  “I am…” fit / a sportsmen / a marathon runner
§  Indulging in temptations would incur a cost to your self-image
§  “Every action you take is a vote for the kind of person you wish to become”
o   Think broadly about a choice
§  Think of your choice (whether to indulge or not9 not as a  one-shot decision, but as a sequence of habitual decisions
§  Always ask yourself: what will be the consequences if I indulge every time?
§  Realize that in the future you likely wont change much – youll be equally tempted to indulge as youre now and you wont have more willpower or resources to deal with temptations than you have now
§  Ask yourself – what would my older self ask me to do better now?
o   “rephrase” your thinking
§  Instead of “Oh a yummy cake” think “hmm, what a fattening piece of high-calorie, vein-clogging dessert”
o   Decide once – in general rules – vs over and over again
§  Eg. “I don’t eat desserts” vs deciding against it at every meal
§  “I eat from the salad/veggie bar in canteen” as a general rule. Then you don’t have to consider your choice, decide against the 5 other options actively,…

·        On decision making
o   Whenever making an important decision, get yourself into a high-level (=abstract) construal by asking yourself a series of “why” questions
§  Want to lose weight!
·         “Why”?
o   More attractive
§  Why?
·        Do this until you’ve connected to your deepest values (because is gives me great joy, because I deeply value my life etc.)
o   (This works great! I did not do a career choice for reasons of money or possible power (i.e. climbing to leadership) for itself as money / power does not interest me – I am interested in learning, observing, and my priority of taking care for family and spending/having time is higher than “job”)

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