Self control
Your belief about how self-control works become
a self-fulfilling prophecy
If you think your willpower is limited, youll
fel depleted after exercising self-control
If you believe your willpower is unlimited,
youll feel energized by self-control tasks
You can gradually change your beliefs to become
more unlimited
Do you have to or do you want to?
Reconsider whether its worth wasting your time
and effort on something you don’t really want to do in the first place
Temptation bundling
TV, favourite podcase, music -> in
combination with chores like dish washing, laundry, workout
Limit yourself and exlude options
No alerts / push notifications
No social media apps
App block / time restrictions
Phone on silent / in another room
Adjust your identity to prevent self-control
“I am…” fit / a sportsmen / a marathon runner
Indulging in temptations would incur a cost to
your self-image
“Every action you take is a vote for the kind of
person you wish to become”
Think broadly about a choice
Think of your choice (whether to indulge or not9
not as a one-shot decision, but as a
sequence of habitual decisions
Always ask yourself: what will be the
consequences if I indulge every time?
Realize that in the future you likely wont
change much – youll be equally tempted to indulge as youre now and you wont
have more willpower or resources to deal with temptations than you have now
Ask yourself – what would my older self ask me
to do better now?
“rephrase” your thinking
Instead of “Oh a yummy cake” think “hmm, what a
fattening piece of high-calorie, vein-clogging dessert”
Decide once – in general rules – vs over and
over again
Eg. “I don’t eat desserts” vs deciding against
it at every meal
“I eat from the salad/veggie bar in canteen” as
a general rule. Then you don’t have to consider your choice, decide against the
5 other options actively,…
On decision making
Whenever making an important decision, get
yourself into a high-level (=abstract) construal by asking yourself a series of
“why” questions
Want to lose weight!
More attractive
Do this until you’ve connected to your deepest
values (because is gives me great joy, because I deeply value my life etc.)
(This works great! I did not do a career choice
for reasons of money or possible power (i.e. climbing to leadership) for itself
as money / power does not interest me – I am interested in learning, observing,
and my priority of taking care for family and spending/having time is higher
than “job”)
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