Montag, 17. Juni 2019

Arnold Schwarzeneggert - Growth Mindset - Use your time - Have a vision and do it


  • If you don't have a vision you just stumble around and never end up anywhere
  • You know how great it felt to know where you are going
  • 74% of people hate their job
  • How come you work out 5-6 hours a day - how come you are smiling? Others work the same but they always look sour. I knew why I did it. Every rep took me one stop closer to my vision. I couldn't wait for the next rep, posing, Situp, workout
  • It was because I had a goal

  • Visualizing a goal and going after it makes it fun
  • You've got to have a purpose no matter what you do in life
  • You've got to have a purpose

  • Rule no 1:
  • Have a vision
  • Don't listen to the nay-sayers
  • People say: "Thats impossible", "It cant be done"
  • If people said: "No", I heard "Yes". If they say "Its impossible" I heard "it is possible",
  • Nelson Mandela: "Everything is always impossible until someone does it"

  • Rule no 3:
  • Work your ass off
  • It drives me crazy if people say they don't have enough time
  • You sleep 6 hours a day, leaves you 18 hours a day
  • But: I sleep 8 hours a day. - Well: Sleep faster!
  • You see how much time there is available. If you organize your day!

  • There was not a single minute that I wasted
  • Mohammed Ali: How many situps do you do? I dont start counting before it hurts
  • "Work like hell and advertise"
  • Go to bed, early rise, you work your ass off - and then you let the world know about your work

  • I hate Plan B
  • We have so many doughters, the no-sayers
  • When you start daughting yourself that dangerous
  • "I have a falldown plan - my plan B"
  • But this thought takes energy from Plan A
  • We function better when we have no safety net - then people perform better
  • That is what a Plan B is
  • You are cutting yourself of from success when you take energy off Plan A
  • Plan B shows you are afraid of failing
  • But dont be
  • Everyone fails
  • From failure you learn
  • Winners will fail and get up, fail and get up, fail and get up
  • We all fail. Don't be afraid of failure. You get frozen, you don't relax

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