Sonntag, 15. November 2015


from the ebook "mastering creativity" from james clear

"ditch the dream and be a doer, not a dreamer"

Earn the chance to be lucky because (...) keep showing up.

you just have to keep moving forward. you just have to keep doing something, seizing the next opportunity, staying open to trying something new. it doesn't have to fit your vision of the perfect job or the perfect life. perfect is boring and dreams are not real. just ... do.

we al have some typ of genius inside of us. the only way to release it is to work on it.

no single act will uncover more powers than forcing yourself to create consistently

because you can't predict your success, the best strategy is to produce as much work as possible, which will provide more opportunities to hit the bullseye and create something meaninful

sometimes you'll create something good. sometimes you'll create something useless. but no matter what, you should always be creating

its the mastering of habits that leads to success, not some mythical spark of genius

habits and schedules are important because they free our minds.

if you waste your resources trying to decide when or where to work, you'll impede your capacity to do the work. the brain doesn't need to waste any energy deciding what to do next. the key to any good ritual is that it removes the need to make a decision

you have to give yourself permission to grind through the occasional days of below average work because it"s the price you have to pay to get to excellent work

The schedule is the system that makes your goals a reality

  • if you don't set a schedule for yourself then your only option is to rely on motivation
  • if your workout doesn't have a time when it usually occurs, then each day you'll wake up thinking "I hope i feel motivated to exercise today"
  • if you set a schedule for any task and start sticking to it, there will be days when you feel like quitting. when you're at the gym, there will be sets that you don't feel like finishing. But stepping up when its annoying or painful or draining to do so, thats what makes you a pro (analogue: while running and a mountain comes: "Thank you for this additional training")
  • becoming a pro is about making your priorities a reality
  • making time for what matters to you
How to become a pro

  1. decide what you want to be good at (this is fundamentally different from the other approach: "Set yourself a goal" like loose 10 kilos or earn x thud bucks)
  2. set a schedule for your actions (whats working good at the moment. consistent waking up at 6 am, then read 20 pages, then do workout)
  3. Stick to the schedule for a week, and then the next week,... (don't think about eternity or years...). Don't be a writer, be writing
the most important thing you can do is do a lot of work. do a huge volume of work. put yourself o na deadline so that every week or every month you know you're going to finish one story. it is only by going through a volume of work that the work you're making will be as good as your ambitions

you need to take the decision making out

Every monday and thursday i write a new article / even if it is inconvenient

once i begin writing, its much easier for me to power through and finish. this is basically newtons first law. objects in motion tend to stay in motion. and that means getting started is he hardest part.

the most important thing isn't to create something world/changing, but simply to create!!!

When the world presents you with something interesting or frustrating or curious, choose to do something about it. Choose to be a creator!

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