Mittwoch, 18. März 2015

Small Talk collection, Sammlung, tipps

  • Be a happy person. Don't complain. Be positive
  • Expand a topic (From food at party mention food at vacation)
  • Ask open questinos (How do you know the host?)
  • Practice! Converse with everyone (Hairdresser, Shop etc.). Force yourself into small talk situations
  • Have some soccer knowledge at hand
  • Journal small talk topics: funny stories, beautiful things
  • Eye contact
  • Use the other persons name
  • Exchange of information AND exchange of energy
  • Use small compliments
  • Be the host / behave as a host in events
  • People love to talk, especially about themselves
  • Anchoring - Reveal - Encourage
    • Why are we both here? What is our common ground?
    • Offer information about yourself
    • Ask a question
  • "Why?"
  • "What surprised you most?"
  • "How did you feel about?"
  • "Tell me about!"
  • "What was the best part of"
  • Family - Occupation - Recreation - Motivation
    • Kids
    • Job / Research
    • Hobby, sports, hiking
    • What will you do in 5 years? Why do you involve yourself in...?
  • Conversation is a ladder with Small Talk serving as the first few rungs
  • Small Talk is the portal through which every person you will ever meet will enter your life.

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