Donnerstag, 26. März 2015

Donnerstag, 19. März 2015


Mit Joggen gewinnt man Lebenszeit hinzu... aber verbringt diese, eben, mit Joggen...

Mittwoch, 18. März 2015

Zeitmanagement: Eat that Frog

    Eat that FrogMeine Methode für die erste Tagesaufgabe hat sich ebenfalls bewährt. Ich starte mit der Aufgabe, die am aufwändigsten erscheint oder die ich nicht gern mache.

    Hat man diesen “Frosch erstmal geschluckt”, dann arbeitet es sich den restlichen Tag deutlich entspannter und man hat den Kopf frei.

    von Selbstä

    Small Talk collection, Sammlung, tipps

    • Be a happy person. Don't complain. Be positive
    • Expand a topic (From food at party mention food at vacation)
    • Ask open questinos (How do you know the host?)
    • Practice! Converse with everyone (Hairdresser, Shop etc.). Force yourself into small talk situations
    • Have some soccer knowledge at hand
    • Journal small talk topics: funny stories, beautiful things
    • Eye contact
    • Use the other persons name
    • Exchange of information AND exchange of energy
    • Use small compliments
    • Be the host / behave as a host in events
    • People love to talk, especially about themselves
    • Anchoring - Reveal - Encourage
      • Why are we both here? What is our common ground?
      • Offer information about yourself
      • Ask a question
    • "Why?"
    • "What surprised you most?"
    • "How did you feel about?"
    • "Tell me about!"
    • "What was the best part of"
    • Family - Occupation - Recreation - Motivation
      • Kids
      • Job / Research
      • Hobby, sports, hiking
      • What will you do in 5 years? Why do you involve yourself in...?
    • Conversation is a ladder with Small Talk serving as the first few rungs
    • Small Talk is the portal through which every person you will ever meet will enter your life.