Samstag, 28. Januar 2023

live life like there's no tomorrow

 This isn't an endorsement of some carpe diem philosophy, where we should live life like there's no tomorrow. Quite the opposite: We should live life like there's no yesterday. If our habits, our preferences, and even our identities help us do, like, or be the things we want to do, like, or be next, hold on to them. If not, let it go.


Ben Stancil

The best defense is a good offense!

Love yourself

 "The ability to love yourself improves your ability to be loved. 

We are unlikely to accept a relationship that is worse than the one we have with ourselves, and thus the person who is happy and comfortable with themselves is in a great position. 

The person with healthy self-esteem doesn't have to jump into any relationship because they already have a great one wherever they go."

Sonntag, 22. Januar 2023

59 Seconds - Richard Wiseman

  •  Increase your chances of giving a great interview in 3 easy steps:
    • 1) likeability is more important than academic achievements and work experience, so...
      • find something you genuinely like about the organization and let your opinion be known
      • feed free to give a genuine compliment to the interviewer
      • chat about a non-job-related topic that you and the interviewer find interesting
      • be interested in them - ask what type of person they are looking for and how the position fits into the overall organization
      • be enthusiastic about the position and the organization
      • smile and maintain eye contact with the interviewers
    • 2) When you do have weaknesses, don't wait until late in the interview to reveal them. Instead, give your credibility a boost by getting them into the conversation towards the start of the interview. And remember, for positive aspects, modesty is vital, so retain something strong until the very last minute.
    • 3) Finally, if you make what seems like a major mistake, don't overreact. The chances are that it is far more niticeable to you than others, and your excessive response or apologizing could just draw more attention to it. Instead, ackowledge it if appropriate and continue as if nothing has happened.
  • If you want to increase your changes of making a good impression in a meeting, sit towards the middle of the table. Rule of thumb: Important people sit in the middle. Centre-stage effect.
  • To increase the likelihood of someone liking you, get them to do you a favour.
    • "We do not love people so much for the good they have done us, as for the good we do them.
  • Make it personal. Instead of abstract big statements (African children are hungry), make it personal (show a specific girl). Also in work: Work with a concrete example where the person has suffered instead of opening an abstract big strategic topic
  • The bystander effect: The more people who are around when a person is in need of assistance, the lower the likelihood of any one person actually helping.
    • If you need someone to help - pick one person and talk to that person.
    • Same at work: If you need something dont write to a group of people. Write to a specific person.
  • Group brainstorming: were amazed to discover that in the vast majority of the experiments, the participants working on their own produced a higher quantity and quality of ideas then those working in groups.
    • When working alone, individuals lifted around 85 Kilos, but managed only 65 kilos when placed in a group.
    • When people work alone, their success or failure is entirely due to their own abilities and hard work.
  • If you want to get someone to help you out, try the briefest of touches on the upper arm. The same behaviour also increases the likelihood of a woman finding a man attractive. Touching is a strong social signal...
  • Those who had been subjected to hearing their own words repeated left 70% larger tips than those in the 'polite and positive' group. 
  • If you need something big to be done dont start in first meeting with this big ask. Do a small ask in this direction, then, later, return and ask for the big thing. Likeliness of complicance is much higher.
    • And the other way around if you need something. Start with a huge ask (I forgot my money can you pay my meal?) and then go down to ask for a small contribution. Much higher success then only asking from start for small contribution
  • "For all of sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: It might have been"
    • Never look back. Never wonder what "could have been". It wasn't. full stop. Every thought is wasted. Never regret. You did what you knew at the time and had good reason to decide the way you did. Now maybe you know more, so you can decide now.
    • You cannot change the past. Only thing is "Now". 
  • Mimik a person in movements - she will like you.
  • People are reluctant to lie in emails because they are recorded, and so their words could come back to haunt them.
  • Visualize yourself doing, not achieving