Montag, 14. September 2020

The secret race - Taylor Hamilton

  •  Its not the size of the dog in the fight, its the size of the fight in the dog.
  • Instead of focusing on himself, he focused on the motives and credibility of his attackers.
    • In a meeting call the one attacking out: "Why do you want this / point this out?"
  • Here's another pattern I later noticed: whenever anybody emphasized how safe something was, it often turned out to be the opposite.
  • The press didnt understand that our job was to throw the kitchen sink at the test, to cast its credibilitiy into doubt. (Law, I was discovering, works like bike racing: try everything, just in case it works.)
  • I learned that if youre vague enough, you dont have to lie
  • I learned that if you repeat something often enough, you begin to believe it.
  • that old saying that when god closes a door he opens a window.