Dienstag, 21. Januar 2020

"FIsh" - ein ungewöhnliches Motivationsbuch

  • Man hat immer die Wahl, wie man seine Arbeit machen will, auch dann, wenn man sich die Arbeit selbst nicht aussuchen kann
  • Wir können schlecht gelaunt zur Arbeit erscheinen und unseren Mitarbeitern und Kunden auf die Nerven gehen. Oder wir kommen vergnügt, heiter und mit guter Laune und verleben einen großartigen Tag. Es liegt an uns, wie unser Arbeitstag verläuft.
  • Ohne die bewusste Wahl der richtigen Einstellung ist alles andere zwecklos.
  • Wir können uns nicht aussuchen, wie andere Leute Auto fahren, aber wir können bestimmen, wie wir reagieren.
  • Spielen! Mit Spaß an die Arbeit
  • "Jemandem eine Freude machen."
  • dies löst dann auch einen positiven feedback-loop aus. Verhält man sich so reagiert das Umfeld, reagieren andere Leute positiv auf einen was einem wiederum bessere Laune verschafft
  • Diese Leute sind geistig anwesend, wirklich präsent. - Sei präsent.
  • Präsent sein heißt, den Kunden direkt anzuschauen
  • Wir müssen uns täglich für eine positive Einstellung entscheiden, und wir müssen diese Wahl ganz bewusst treffen.
  • Text
    • Die Vergangenheit ist Geschichte
    • Die Zukunft ein Geheimnis
    • Das Heute ist ein Präsent an uns
    • Darum nennen wir es "Präsens"
  • Text zu "SINN"
    • Sinn ist nichts, über das man stolpert, so wie die Antwort auf ein Rätsel oder der Preis bei einer Schnitzeljagd. Sinn ist etwas, das man selbst im Zentrums eines Lebens aufbaut. Man erbaut es aus seiner Vergangenheit, aus seiner Zuneigung und Loyalität, aus den Erfahrungen der Menschheit, die man ererbt hat, aus seinen eigenen Gaben und seinem Verstand, aus all dem, woran man glaubt, aus den Dingen und Menschen, die man liebt, aus den Werten, für die man etwas aufzugeben bereit ist. Alle Zutaten sind vorhanden. Doch du bist der einzige Mensch, der sie zusammenfügen kann zu dem Muster, das dein Leben ist. Trage Sorge, dass es ein Leben ist, das Würde und Sinn für dich hat. Wenn das gelingt, dann fällt der Ausschlag des Pendels nach Erfolg oder Misserfolg kaum mehr ins Gewicht. 
    • von John Gardner.

Yogi Berra: "Man kann eine Menge beobachten, wenn man nur hinschaut."

Montag, 6. Januar 2020

Compliment others

Compliment others more.

You’ll barely remember you did it, but the other person may never forget that you did.

Kindness has unlimited upside.

Schedule E-Mail checking

Using email is one of the most common online activities in the world today. Yet, very little experimental research has examined the effect of email on well-being. Utilizing a within-subjects design, we investigated how the frequency of checking email affects well-being over a period of two weeks. During one week, 124 adults were randomly assigned to limit checking their email to three times a day; during the other week, participants could check their email an unlimited number of times per day. We found that during the limited email use week, participants experienced significantly lower daily stress than during the unlimited email use week. Lower stress, in turn, predicted higher well-being on a diverse range of well-being outcomes. These findings highlight the benefits of checking email less frequently for reducing psychological stress.


Mittwoch, 1. Januar 2020

Surely you must be joking mr feynman

  • I don”t know whatš the matter with people: they don”t learn bz understanding: hez learn by some other way - by rote, or something. Their knowledge is so fragile.
  • The electron is a theory that we use< it is so useful in understanding the way nature works that we can almost call it real.
  • And, just like it should in all stories about philosophers, it ended up in complete chaos.
  • So while all the biology guys were trying to understand these new things *atoms, physics, mathematics, statistics), I could spend my time learning the biology part.
  • One day he told me to stay after class. “Feynman,”, he said, “you talk too much and you make too much noise. I know why. You/re bored. So I’m going to give you a book. You go up there in the back, in the corner, and study this book, and when you know everything, thats in the book, you can talk again. He gave me the real works - Advanced Calculus - it was for junior or senior course in college.
  • “what can i do to stop them from coming to my larder without killing the ants? No poison, you gotta be humane to the ants.”What I did was this: in preparatin, I put a bit of sugar about six or eight inches from their entry point into the room, that they didnt know about. Then I made those ferry things again, and whenever an ant returning with food walked onto my little ferry, Id carry him over and put him on the sugar. Any ant coming toward the larder that walked onto a ferry I also carried over to the sugar. Eventually the ants found their way from the sugar to their hole, so this new trail was being goubly reinforced, while the old trail was being used less and less. I knew that after half an hour or so the old trail would dry up, and in an hour they were out of my larder. I didnt wash the floor: I didnt do anything but ferry ants.
  • In other words, the experimental physicistst had nothing to do until their buildings and apparatus were ready, so they just built the buildings - or assisted in building the buildings.
  • You musty have been in a situation like this when you didnt ask them right away. Right away it would have been OK. But now theyve been talking a little bit too long. You hesitated to long. If you ask them now theyll say, “What are you wasting my time all this time for?”
  • Well, Mr Frankel, who started this program, began to suffer from the computer disease that anybody who works with computers noe knows about. Its a very serious disease and it interferes completely with the work. The trouble with computers is you pley with them. They are so wonderful. You ahve theses switches - if its an even number you do this, if its an odd number you do that - and pretty soon you can do more and more elaborate things if you are clever enough, on one machine. After a while the whole system broke down. Frankel wasnt paying any attention: he wasnt supervising anybody. … But if youve ever worked with comoputers, you understand the disease - the delight in being able to see how much you can do.
  • Special engineers - clever boys from high school. Thez would tell them nothing. They came to work on IBM machines - punching holes, numbers that they didnt understand. Nobody told them what it was. The thing was going very slowly. I said that the first thing there has to be is that these echnical guys know what were doing. They were all excited: “Were fighting a war! We see what it is!”... Nearly ten times as fast. (If you work for a purpose)
  • Then the son totld me what happened. The last ttime he was there, Bohr said to his son, Remember the name of that little fellow in the back over there? Hes the only guy whos not afraid of me, and will say when Ive got a crazy idea. So nnext time when we watnt to discuss ideas, were not going to be able to do it with these guys who say everyghing is yes, yes, Dr Bohr. Get that guy and well talk with him first.
  • The next time I went to Oak Ridge, all the secretaries and people who knew who I was were telling me, “Dont come through here. Dont come through here!”The colonel had sent a note around to everyone in the plant which said, “During his last visit, was Mr Feynman at any time in your office, near your office, or walking through your office?” 
  • I used to enjoy doing physics. Why did I enjoy it? I used to play with it. I used to do whatever I felt like doing. Whether it was interesting and amusing for me to play with. Id invent things and play with things for my own entertainment. … so i got this new attitude. Ill never accomplish anything. Ive got this nice position at the university teaching classes which I rather enjoz, and just like I read the Arabian Night for pleasure, Im going to play with physics, whenever I want to, without worrying about any importance whatsoever.
  • Ok he says. The whole principle is this: The guy wants to be a gentleman. He doesnt want to be thought of as imploite, crude, or especially a cheapskate. As long as the girl knows the guys motives so well, its easy to steeer him in the direction she wants him to go. Therefore, he continued, under no circumstance be a gentleman. You must disrespect the girls. Furthermore, the very first tule is, dont buy a girl anything / not even a package of cigarettes / until youve asked her if shell sleep with tou, and youre conviced that she will, and that shes not lying.
  • One day, about 3:30 in the afternoon, I was walking along the sidewalk opporsite the beach at Copacabana past a bar. I suddenly got thit TreMENdous, strong feeling:” Thats just what I want: thathll fit just right. Id just love to have a drink right now. I started to walk into the bar, and I suddenly thought to myself. Wait a minute! Its the middle of the afternoon. Theres nobodz here. Theres no social reason to drink. Why do you have such a terribly strong feeling that you have to have a drink? - and I got scared. I never drank ever again, since then. I suppose I really wasnt in any danger, because I found it very easy to stop. But that strong feeling that I didnt understand frightened me. You see, I get such fun out of thinking that I dont want to destroy this most pleasant machine that makes life such a big kick.
  • Then, as now, Las Vegas made its money on the people who gamble, so the whole problem for the hotels was to get people to come there to gamble. So they had shows and dinners which were very inexpensive / amost free. You didnt have to make any reservations for anything: You could walk in, sit down at one of the many empty tables, and enjoy the show. It was just wonderful for a man who didnt gamble, because I was enjozing all the advantages - the rooms were inexpensive, the meals were next to nothing, the shows were good, and I liked the girls.
  • The first time I was in Las Vegas I sata down and figured out the odds for everything, and I discovered that the odds for the crap table were something like .493. If I bet a dollar, it would only cost me 1.4 cents. So I thought to myself. “Why am I so reluctant to bet? It hardly costs anything!” So I started betting, and right away I lost five dollars in succession - one, two, three, four, five. I was supposed to be out only seven cents< instead, I was five dollars behind! Ive never gambled since then. Im very lucky that I started off loosing.
  • But I decided then to never decide again. Nothing - absolutely nothing - would ever change my mind again. When youre young, you have all these things wo worry about - should you go there, what about your mother, And you worry and try to decide, but then something else comes up. Its much easier to just plain decide. Never mind - nothing is goinog to change your mind. I did that once when I was a student at MIT. I got sick and tired of having to decide what kind of dessert I was going to have at the restaurant, so I decided it would always be chocolate ice cream, and never worried about it again - I had the solution to that problem.
  • And the reason that nobody got anywhere in that conference was that they hadnt clearly defined the subject of … and tehrefore no one knew exactly what they were supposed to talk about.
  • Somewhere on the second day the stenotypist came up to me and said, “What profession are you? Surely not a professor.” “I am a professor,” I said. “Of what?” “Of Physics - science.” “Oh, that must the reason.” he said. “Reason for what?” He said, “You see, Im a stenotypist, and I ytpe everything that is saaid here. Now, when the other fellas talk, I type what they say, but I dont understand what theyre saygin. But every time you get up to ask a question or to say something, I understand exactly what you mean - what the question is, and what youre saying - so I thtought you cant be a professor.
  • There were a lot of fools at that conference - pompous fools - and pompous fools drive me up the wall. Ordinary fools are all right: you can talk to them, and try to help them out. But pompous fools - guys who are fools and are covering it all over and impressing people, as to how wonderful they are with all this hocus pocus - THAT I CANNOT STAND!
  • It turned out the other members of the commitee had done a lot of work in giving out the books and collecting reports, and had gone to sessins in which the book publishers would explain the books before they read them: I was the only guy on that comission who read all the books and didnt get any informatin from the book publishers except what was in the books themselves, the things that would ultimatelz go to the schools.
  • The ambassador answered in a way I like to hear> “I dont know, he said. I might suppose something, but I dont know if its true.

The Tao of Charlie Munger - David Clark

  • He decided that each day he would devote one hour of his time at the office to work on his own real estate projects (90/60/1 rule)
  • I succeeded because I have a long attention span
  • I think that, every tiem you see the word EBITDA, you should substitute the word “bullshit earnings.” … Charlie considers interest, depreciation, and taxes to be very real expenses that have to be paid.
  • If you want accurate numbers from financial companies, youre in the wrong world
    • Derivates hide risks
    • never set aside any reserves to cover its losses
    • risk exposure
  • Charlies lessno here is that a combination of supersmart people and large amounts of leverage often ends in disaster.
  • The economic reality of the hedge fund business model makes it madness for hedge funds to do anything but leverage up and throw the dice.
  • “All of humanitys problems stem from mans inability to sit quietly in a room alone.
    • Waiting, for most investors, is no tan easy thing to do.\
    • Applies to mutual and hedge fund managers, hey are driven to produce quarterly results.
    • When Charlie and Warren say that they intend to hold an investment forever, they mean forever
  • View a stock as an ownership of the business and judge the staying quality of the business in terms of its competitive advantage.
    • it it has a durable competitive aadvantage, he will keep an eye on it in the hope that at some future date it will be selling at a bargain price or even a fair price.
    • Companies that have manufactured the same product or provided the same service for fifty or more years.
  • Its the strong swimmers who drown
    • Strong swimmers are the ones who swim way out and potentially get themselves in trouble. Weaker swimmers stay close to shore, where it is safe.
  • How do we know when the stock market is too high? When the financial press starts writing articles about how Charlie and Warren have lost their Midas touch.
  • Thats contrary to human nature, just to sit there all day long doing nothing, waiting. … For an ordinarz person, can you imagine just sitting for five years doing nothing? You dont feel active, you dont feel useful, so you do something stupid.
  • Greedy bankers: Mortgage lending became a dirty way to make money. You take people that cant handle credit and try to make very high returns by abusing and encouraging their stupidity - thats not the way I want to make money in banking. You should try to make money by selling people things that are good for the customer. … In the old days banks kept home mortgages on their own books, so they were very careful whom they loaned money to. But then the business model changed and banks started selling the mortgages they wrote to other companies. It no longer mattered whom they loaned money to, because they were oing to sell off the mortgage as soon as they wrote it.
  • I dont think anyone should buy a bank if they dont have a feel for the bankers. Banking is a business that is a very dangerous place for an investor. Without deep insight, stay away
  • As Warren says, if you get into a card game and you cant figure out who is the patsy, you are the patsy.
  • Inflation is the friend of people who own assets. Inflation is also he enemy of the people who own cash or bonds.
  • It wasnt greed that drove our grandparents to work so hard, it was the fear that they wouldnt be able to pay the rent and their family would go gunfray. Today that fear is gone. It has been replaced with a sense of entitlement that demands that health care be free, that a college education be free, that freee food and housing be provided if one is out of work.
  • I do not think you can ttrust tbankers to control themselves. They are like heroin addicts.
    • Bankers can destroy themselves and an entire nations economz. Bankers are entrusted with an enormous amount of other peoples money and should be conservative in investing it.
  • About trading with derivatives> Its like having thousands of professional poker players. What damn good are they doing for anybody?
  • A carry trade is the borrowing of large amounts of money at one rate and using it to buy an asset that earns a higher rate of return.
  • all of Berkshires business have in common> Keep costs low.\
    • Berkshire itself> Doesnt have a public relations or investor services department and for many years the annual report was printed on the cheapest paper possible and had no expensive color photos.
  • A great business at a fair price is superior to a fair business at a great price.
  • the product was the same year after year. The business required very little in capital expenditures, so it was possible to take money out of it every year to invest in other businesses.
  • From Carl von Clausewitz: No war plan outlasts the first encounter with the enemy.
  • Strategz of decentralization frees Berkshires subsidiary managers - the people with the best knowledge - to adapt their businesses to the economic environment as they see fit, without being meddled with by a less knowledgeable home office. It also allows Charlie and Warren to avoid the financial costs and inefficiencies of running a large corporate bureaucracy.
  • Spend each day trying to be a little wiser. One inch at a time, day by day.
    • He implemented a self/educatin regime for one hour a day
    • The compounding effect of knowledge
  • The best way to get a good spouse is to deserve a good spouse.
  • Extreme specialization is the way to succeed.
    • Its specialists who make the big bucks - everyone else, the little bucks
  • Just keep thinking and reading, and you will be all right
    • That is all there is to the investment game
    • you think a lot, and you read a lot
  • Overspending can make us miserable.
  • Oh, its just so useful dealing with people you can trust and getting all the others the hell out of your life.
  • In my whole life, I have known no wise people who didnt read all the time - none, zero. Youd be amazed att how much Warren reads - and how much I read. My children laugh at me. They think Im a book with a couple legs sticking out.
  • Thats what manhood is, taking life as it falls. Not whining all the time annd trying to fix it by whining.
  • I dont think its terribly constructive to spend your time worrying about things you cant fix
  • I constantly see people rise in life who are nott tthe smartest, sometimes not even the most diligent, but they are learning machines. They go to bed every night a litlle wiser than they were when they got up, and boy, does that help, particularly when you have a long run ahead of you.
    • compounding our intellect.
  • Thomas Edison:”I failed my way to success.”